- Alba, 2016
4 indivisible elements 240 x 120 x 4 cm each, first element with tapered frame on three sides, gold leaf; second element painted on the front and on the back and mounted on different brackets 15 cm and 25 cm, white pencil; third and fourth element with right corners
cm 240 x 480
Photo Andrea Rossetti - Alba detail, 2016
Photo Andrea Rossetti - Installation view, Vistamare, Pescara
Photo Andrea Rossetti - Installation view, Vistamare, Pescara
Photo Andrea Rossetti - Installation view, Vistamare, Pescara
Photo Andrea Rossetti - Installation view, Vistamare, Pescara
Photo Andrea Rossetti - Baci, 1987
2 indivisible elements, one board 166 x 156 x 3 cm with round frame on four sides, one board 170 x 161 x 3 cm with gola frame on four sides; the two boards are painted on the front and on the back e and mounted on brackets with different dimensions, 25 cm e 15 cm
Photo Andrea Rossetti - Baci detail, 1987
Photo Andrea Rossetti - I colori si innamorano, 2015
Color impasto on board
2 indivisible elements, 120 x 120 x 4 cm
Photo Andrea Rossetti - L’altro per l’una, 2018
Color impasto on board
2 indivisible elements, 60 x 60 x 4 cm
Photo Andrea Rossetti - Mobile, 1980
Color impasto on board, painted on all the sides
110 x 90 x 80 cm
Photo Andrea Rossetti - Installation view, Vistamare, Pescara
Photo Andrea Rossetti - Installation view, Vistamare, Pescara
Photo Andrea Rossetti