Tombeaux, 1989
black pigmented matte varnish on wood, 210 x 120 x 12 cm
Installation view, Vistamarestudio, Milano
Installation view, Vistamarestudio, Milano
Installation view, Vistamarestudio, Milano
Zonder titel (zelfportretten) XVl, 1981
Work in four parts, photolitho on paper
37 x 45 cm (frame A), 35 x 39,5 cm (frame B), 33 x 33 cm (frame C), 33 x 35 cm (frame D)
Tombeaux (Xl), 1994
60 seals, sealing wax and copper, 5 rows - 12 per row, 225 x 230 cm
Tombeaux (Xl) (detail), 1994
60 seals, sealing wax and copper, 5 rows - 12 per row, 225 x 230 cm